How To Steam Brown Rice In A Steamer

Are you looking for a tip on how to steam brown rice in a steamer? You’ve come to the right place!

Steaming brown rice in a steamer is a simple and healthy way to cook your grains. It locks in nutrients, maintains the integrity of the grains, and takes far less time than boiling or baking.

All you need is a steamer with a tight-fitting lid, some water, and your desired amount of brown rice. You can find the best food steamers here.

From there, follow these easy steps for perfectly cooked brown rice every time!

How To Steam Brown Rice In A Steamer With These Simple Steps

Step 1: Fill the water

When preparing to steam brown rice in a steamer, it is important to fill it with the desired water.

The level of water should come just below the steaming basket or tray. This ensures that the right steam is produced for optimal cooking results.

Having too much or too little water can result in improperly cooked rice.

Step 2: Adding brown rice

Before you can begin steaming your brown rice in a steamer, you must first add your desired amount of brown rice to the steaming basket or tray.

The water-to-brown rice ratio is usually one-to-one, but this may vary depending on your recipe.

It is important to get this ratio right for the steam to penetrate and cook the rice grains properly and effectively.

Carefully measure the correct ingredients and follow the recipe instructions exactly for the best results.

Step 3: Start cooking in a steamer.

Once the desired amount of brown rice and water have been added to a steamer, place the steamer onto a stovetop burner and turn the heat on medium-high.

Hint: it’s important to remember to use a lid for optimal steam production! This will help ensure that your rice cooks evenly, so do not skip this crucial step.

Steam the rice for the recommended time as instructed in your recipe, and you will be left with perfectly cooked, fluffy brown rice.

Step 4: Let it cook

After adding the correct amount of brown rice and water to a steamer, it is time to begin the steaming process.

Allow your rice to steam for 15-20 minutes or until all of the water has been absorbed by the rice grains.

During this time, keep an eye on your stovetop heat setting, as too much heat can cause your rice grains to burn.

After your allotted time has elapsed, remove the lid from the steamer and fluff up the cooked grains of brown rice with a fork before serving.

Step 5: Serve when it’s ready!

When the timer goes off, turn off the heat and open the lid carefully to let out any remaining steam.

Use a fork to fluff up your cooked brown rice grains, and you are ready to serve! Being mindful of the time will ensure perfectly cooked rice, so watch that all-important timer.

With proper technique, you can enjoy your delicious steamed brown rice in no time.

See: What Can You Cook in a Steamer?


Here are frequently asked questions about steaming brown rice in a steamer.

What Kind Of Brown Rice Should I Use For Steaming?

Long-grain brown rice is the best type to use when steaming. It produces a fluffy texture and has more nutritional value than other types of brown rice.

How Much Water Do I Need To Steam Brown Rice?

For every 1 cup of long-grain brown rice, you will need to add 2 cups of water to the steamer.

How Long Should I Allow The Rice To Steam?

Brown rice should be allowed to steam for 15-20 minutes or until all the water has been absorbed.

Keep an eye on your heat setting during this time, as too much heat can cause burning.

How Do I Know When My Steamed Brown Rice Is Done Cooking?

You’ll know that your brown rice is cooked through when most of the water has evaporated.

When finished, turn off the heat and open the lid carefully to let out any remaining steam before fluffing with a fork and serving.

Do You Steam Brown Rice The Same As White Rice?

Yes, you can steam brown and white rice using the same method.

Both types of rice require a 2:1 ratio of water to rice and should be cooked for 15-20 minutes or until all the water has been absorbed.

Brown rice takes slightly longer to cook than white rice due to its higher fiber content.

What Happens If You Don’t Rinse Brown Rice?

Not rinsing brown rice before cooking can result in a sticky, gummy texture and reduced nutritional benefits.

Rinsing the rice removes some of the starch from the surface of the grains, resulting in lighter, fluffier individual grains when cooked.


Steaming brown rice in a steamer is an easy and relatively quick process. You can enjoy perfectly cooked brown rice every time with the right ingredients, proper technique, and patience.

Just keep an eye on the timer and heat setting for optimal results.

Bon Appétit and Happy Steaming!

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